How AHEAD Reduces Alerts by 30% with Swimlane

Find out more about how Swimlane Turbine AI-Enhanced security automation helps AHEAD to grow its business.

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AHEAD is a leader in professional and managed services, supporting companies of all sizes—from mom-and-pop shops to Fortune 500 enterprises—across various industries. Their clients are in a race to transform digitally in pursuit of a competitive advantage. They aim to leverage technology to deliver unique customer experiences, launch new digital products swiftly, and achieve significant efficiency gains through automation and modernization.

Chase Hood, Technical Team Lead, Managed Services, at AHEAD adds, “When I joined AHEAD, I had no experience of automation or Swimlane. Swimlane Turbine made it easy to pick up and begin developing automation and integration within our platform and customer technologies”

AHEAD Reduces Alerts by 30% with Swimlane Turbine

Hear from Chase Hood, Security Automation Engineering Team Lead at AHEAD, as he shares insights from his experience using Swimlane Turbine for low-code security automation.

Fernao magellan customer testimonial video for Swimlane low-code security automation.


Navigate Alert Fatigue

  • Before adopting Swimlane Turbine, AHEAD was challenged by the need to manage such large numbers of security alerts. These alerts were handled manually, which was time-consuming and prone to errors. With an ever-increasing volume of alerts, it became difficult for their team to prioritize and respond effectively. 

Disconnected, Siloed Tools

  • Another major challenge was integrating various tools within their security stack into a single platform. The disparate tools created a fragmented workflow, making it cumbersome to streamline operations and maintain a cohesive security strategy.

Enable Growth & Scalability 

  • As AHEAD’s team and customer base grew, scalability became a pressing issue. They needed to manage their growing customer base while accommodating diverse customer needs without compromising efficiency.

Optimize Analyst Coding Expertise

  • Not all analysts on the AHEAD team had a background in automation or coding languages, such as Python. It required them to look for a customizable solution that was also intuitive and easy to implement.


Low-code automation for all SOC stakeholders

Security Automation Best Practices

  • Implementing automation begins with identifying the most time-consuming and repetitive tasks within MSSP operations such as alert triage. This focused approach ensures that automation initiatives deliver substantial efficiency improvements from the outset.

Low-Code Experience for Backend Teams

  • SOC managers and backend teams leverage Canvas, Turbine’s ultra-simple low-code studio to create seamless automation workflows, tailored and integrated with various tools and data sources. “Turbine’s low-code capability makes it accessible to build workflows and applications, even without coding experience.” This empowers SOC managers to handle complex integration tasks efficiently and adapt workflows as operational needs change. 

Robust and Modular Case Management

  • AHEAD analysts utilize Turbine as a centralized platform for triage, alert management, and comprehensive case management. This unified approach streamlines incident management integrates threat intelligence, and facilitates direct customer communication through a single interface. It enhances operational efficiency and team collaboration in managing security tasks. “Turbine allows us to create, track, and manage all cases from inception to automation, prioritizing and escalating incidents based on severity and risk.”

Seamless Collaboration

  • AHEAD analysts use the Turbine collaboration extension to facilitate direct communication with customers. “We notify and get responses from customers all within a single pane of glass from the Swimlane dashboards,” Hood stated. This approach enhances AHEAD’s operational efficiency and fosters collaboration across the security team.

Vendor-Agnostic and Unlimited Integrations

  • Turbine empowers AHEAD to seamlessly integrate with all tools in their customers’ stack, including EDR, SIEM, email security, and more, across diverse client environments. This capability accommodates varied technological landscapes, ensuring flexibility and robust support for each client’s unique operational needs.

Multi-Tenancy: A Must-Have for MSSPs

  • Turbine’s multi-tenancy architecture delivers unparalleled resilience, scale, and performance to help MSSPs lower AHEAD’s cost of goods sold. Hood adds: “Our favorite feature is the multi-tenant application that gives us the ability to manage and customize security workflows for multiple customers within a single platform.”


Customizable Low-Code Security Automation

AHEAD felt that the learning curve was minimal and quickly observed benefits.

  • 30% Alert Reduction: “Turbine helped AHEAD to reduce the number of alerts by 30% with the alert correlation capabilities.”
  • Scalability Without Increased Headcount: Since adopting Turbine, AHEAD scaled operations efficiently without rapidly expanding headcount: “Reducing alerts allowed us to grow operations without needing additional hires.”
  • Increased ROI: Turbine streamlined automation at AHEAD, yielding significant time savings and ROI improvements while controlling operational costs.
  • Retain Security Team: Turbine eased security analysts’ workload, contributing to improved team morale and efficiency in daily operations.“Without automation, the lives of security analysts would be considerably more challenging day in and day out.”

Straight from the Source

I recommend Swimlane to my peers because it offers a unified platform that effectively manages diverse customer environments, resulting in improved efficiency and scalability.

Chase Hood
Technical Team Lead, Managed Services

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