XDR Automation Debunked: Why You Should Never Settle

Automation is sprinkled across every SOC tool, but not all types of security automation drive equal outcomes. Learn more about the automation capabilities needed to truly extend visibility and response across your entire security organization.

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The Types of XDR Tools

Extended Detection and Response (XDR) is an approach to solving common cybersecurity challenges through a centralized user experience. There are two types of XDR, native and open. Native XDR is offered by a single vendor while open XDR is a strategy that can be achieved by applying security automation across your existing SOC investments. 

XDR Tools Comparison
Native XDR Platform
Open XDR Solution
EcosystemClosed, limited to a single vendor Open, vendor-agnostic 
Integration Seamless integration within a single vendor platform.Infinite integrations with any telemetry source.
Flexibility Limited, vendor lock-in Greater, best-of-breed options 
Customization Limited to configurations within the vendor's predefined ecosystem.Extensive customization capabilities enable tailored XDR implementations for specific needs and workflows.
Scalability Limited to single vendor offering. Seamlessly scales to support unique needs and evolving security requirements.

Security Automation Unlocks the Promise of XDR Platforms

Never settle for the “good enough” automation capabilities that are built into the backend of native-XDR platforms. Read this white paper to learn more about the history, promises, and pitfalls of dedicated XDR tools, and how to extend visibility and response with AI-enabled security automation.

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Over time, the XDR workflow pattern built in Swimlane actually became our source of truth for our time-to-acknowledge metric – which is becoming an important SLA for many security frameworks. We’re tracking it diligently and it’s all custom built inside of Swimlane. Jira couldn’t do it properly, other tools couldn’t do it properly. I said ‘give me a week or two’ and we got it done inside of Swimlane.

Rob Perrin
Senior DevSecOps Engineer at Weedmaps

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